April 9, 2012

Edward Miller honored by Md. Senate, House of Delegates

On March 27, the Maryland Senate and House of Delegates passed resolutions offering congratulations to Edward Miller in recognition of 15 years of extraordinary vision, significant accomplishments and exemplary leadership at Johns Hopkins Medicine.

In recognizing Miller, dean of the medical faculty and CEO of Johns Hopkins Medicine, Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller Jr. said, “People in the world don’t know about Annapolis, they don’t know about Baltimore, but they know about Johns Hopkins.” Senate President pro tem Nathaniel McFadden said, “East Baltimore is being revived not only in and around the hospital but in many, many other areas. [Dr. Miller] is a key player when it comes to developing, as the former mayor would say, ‘around our strengths.’ ”

House Speaker Michael E. Busch said, “[Dr. Miller] and his staff and the members of Johns Hopkins have done a wonderful job. We want to take this opportunity, Dr. Miller, to thank you, for everything you’ve done for the citizens of the state of Maryland.”

Miller addressed the House of Delegates, and offered thanks for the Legislature’s support of Johns Hopkins, particularly regarding the construction of the new clinical building.