March 14, 2011

Notices — March 14, 2010

Krieger School of Arts and Sciences Awards — Applications are now being accepted for several awards in the Zanvyl Krieger School of Arts and Sciences. Applications are due on March 28 and should be addressed to Ami Cox, fellowship coordinator, 225 Mergenthaler Hall. More information can be found online at www.jhu
.edu/scholarships.alphalist.html. Submit any questions to

The Bander Family Fund Award will provide up to $4,000 to one or two freshman, sophomore or junior Arts and Sciences students who want to pursue an independent project over the summer. The project may be local or international in scope.

The William F. Clinger Jr. Award has made $10,000 available to the School of Arts and Sciences in support of undergraduate international research. The funds will be divided between two to four freshman, sophomore or junior Arts and Sciences students who want to pursue an independent project, either local or international, over the summer.

The J. Brien Key Graduate Student Assistance Fund will help subsidize significant travel-related research expenses—for example, registration and/or travel costs to attend a professional meeting, especially one at which you are presenting the results of your research, or the travel costs to conduct research or interviews critical for your thesis or dissertation. Four awards of $500 are available. Applicants should submit a proposal of no more than two pages explaining how the funds will be used. Included should be a proposed budget and a brief budget justification as well as a summary of other sources of funding that you have obtained or that are available. The application should also include a letter of endorsement from your thesis/dissertation adviser. As a condition of the award, recipients will write a letter of thanks to the donor, providing details about how they have benefited from the award.