May 21, 2012

In conjunction with ‘Sculpture at Evergreen 7: Landscape as Laboratory’ and in partnership with The Art Gallery at the University of Maryland, Evergreen Museum & Library presents a special exhibition of the ‘Trees’ portfolio of iconic American nature photographer Eliot Porter (1901–90). The 10 tie-dye transfer images were created between 1958 and 1975. See Exhibitions.
Thurs., May 24, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. JHU/American Red Cross blood drive. For more information, call 410-614-0913 or email Mount Washington campus.
Wed., May 23, 3:30 p.m. “The Galaxy-Halo Connection Across Mass and Time,” an STScI colloquium with Risa Wechsler, Stanford University. Bahcall Auditorium, Muller Bldg. HW
Tues., May 22, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Trees, inaugural exhibition of American photographer Eliot Porter’s limited edition portfolio. Sponsored by JHU Museums in partnership with the Art Gallery at the University of Maryland. Admission included with paid museum admission and on view as part of the guided tour. Evergreen Museum & Library.
Wed., May 23, 4 to 6 p.m. Opening reception for the Medical and Biological Illustration 2012 graduate exhibition. Sponsored by Art as Applied to Medicine. The exhibition continues through June 7. Turner Concourse. EB
Tues., May 22, 4 p.m. The Alpha Omega Alpha Lecture—“Osler’s Legacy: The Musings of a 1967 Graduate” by Charles Bryan, Providence Hospitals, South Carolina. Hurd Hall. EB
Wed., May 23, 2 p.m. “Skin Stem Cells in Silence and in Action,” an Institute of Genetic Medicine lecture by Elaine Fuchs, Rockefeller University. Mountcastle Auditorium, PCTB. EB
Sat., May 26, 8:30 and 10 p.m. Jazz at the Johns Hopkins Club presents the Roy Haynes Fountain of Youth Band. $45 general admission, $22.50 for JHU students. Tickets are available online at or go to or to Johns Hopkins Club. HW
Mon., May 21, noon. “X-ROS in the Heart: A Novel Nanoscopic Signaling Pathway,” a Biochemistry and Molecular Biology seminar with W. Jonathan Lederer, University of Maryland, Baltimore. W1020 SPH. EB
Mon., May 21, 12:15 p.m. “piRNAs and piRNPs: The Good Shepherds of the Genome,” a Carnegie Institution Embryology seminar with Zissimos Mourelatos, University of Pennsylvania. Rose Auditorium, 3520 San Martin Drive. HW
Mon., May 21, 2 p.m. “Chronic Kidney Disease, Plasma Lipids and Cardiovascular Disease,” an Epidemiology thesis defense seminar with Julio Lamprea-Montealegre. W3008 SPH. EB
Mon., May 21, 4 p.m. The David Bodian Seminar—“The Ins and Outs of Purkinje Cells: Error Signals and Motor Commands” with Javier Medina, University of Pennsylvania. Sponsored by the Krieger Mind/Brain Institute. 338 Krieger. HW
Tues., May 22, noon. “The ABCs of Bacterial Cell Division,” a Biological Chemistry seminar with Thomas Bernhardt, Harvard Medical School. 612 Physiology. EB
Wed., May 23, noon. “Personalized Genomic Analyses of Human Cancer,” a Molecular Pathology seminar with Victor Velculescu, SoM. Sponsored by Pathology. 490 Rangos. EB
Wed., May 23, 4 p.m. “Role of Ubiquitin Modification in Cancer,” a Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences seminar with Vishva Dixit, Genentech Inc. West Lecture Hall (ground floor), WBSB. EB
University convocation and graduation ceremonies. (See story, in this issue.)
• Mon., May 21, 3 p.m. Carey Business School graduation ceremony, with Jeffrey Immelt, chairman and CEO of General Electric and chair of President Obama’s Council of Jobs and Competitiveness. Meyerhoff Symphony Hall.
• Wed., May 23, 1:30 p.m. Bloomberg School of Public Health graduation ceremony, with guest speaker Stephen Lewis, visiting professor, Ryerson University, and board chair, the Stephen Lewis Foundation; Meyerhoff Symphony Hall.
• Wed., May 23, 7 p.m. Whiting School of Engineering graduate degree ceremony, with speaker Norman Augustine, retired chairman and CEO, Lockheed Martin Corp.; Homewood Field. HW
• Thurs., May 24, 8:40 a.m. Universitywide Commencement, with speaker Samuel Palmisano, chairman of the board, IBM; Homewood Field. HW
• Thurs., May 24, 2:30 p.m. School of Medicine Convocation with speaker Sanjay Gupta, Grady Memorial Hospital and Emory University and chief medical correspondent, CNN; Meyerhoff Symphony Hall.
• Thurs., May 24, 3 p.m. SAIS graduation ceremony with Timothy Geithner, U.S. secretary of the Treasury; Constitution Hall, Washington, D.C.
• Thurs., May 24, 3 p.m. School of Nursing diploma and award ceremony, with guest speaker Linda Burnes Bolton, vice president and chief nursing officer, Cedars-Sinai Health System and Research Institute; France Merrick Performing Arts Center, Hippodrome Theatre.
• Thurs., May 24, 7:30 p.m. Peabody Conservatory of Music graduation ceremony, with Roy Haynes, jazz percussionist. Friedberg Hall. Peabody
• Thurs., May 24, 7:30 p.m. School of Education diploma ceremony, with U.S. Sen. Ben Cardin; Homewood Field. HW
• Fri., May 25, 10 a.m. Krieger School of Arts and Sciences master’s degree ceremony, wth Richard Koshalek, director, the Smithsonian’s Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, D.C.; Homewood Field. HW
Tues., May 22, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CAAT Information Day—New Approaches to Assessing Countermeasures to Bioterrorism Agents with George Korch, assistant secretary for preparedness response, Department of Health and Human Services; William Florence, Defense Threat Reduction Agency; Donald Drake, Sanofi; Marti Jett, U.S. Army Center for Environmental Health Research; Anthony Bahinsky, Harvard University; Sonia Grego, RTI International; Lisa Hensley, FDA; and others. $100 registration fee (free for federal employees, JHU faculty, staff and students. For information go to Sponsored by the EHS Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing. W1214 SPH. EB
Wed., May 23, 3 p.m. Groundbreaking for Malone Hall and installation of the inaugural John C. Malone Professor. (See story in this issue.) RSVP to before May 23. Location is the tent on the Decker Quadrangle, where Malone Hall will be built. HW