June 6, 2011
LNYW to lead walking tour of Bayview and Greektown
The Johns Hopkins Live Near Your Work Program, in partnership with the Southeast Community Development Corp., will lead a walking tour of the Bayview and Greektown neighborhoods from 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, June 9.
The tour begins at 514 Oldham St. in Bayview, a tranquil neighborhood nestled within Southeast Baltimore’s urban setting. Then, the group will head to Greektown on the opening night of the Greek Folk Festival. The tour will end with a VIP reception at the festival, with Greek food and festivities.
During the tour, participants will learn how to qualify for low-interest Healthy Neighborhoods loans and other home-buying incentives, including Johns Hopkins Live Near Your Work grants. To register, go to https://hrnt.jhu.edu/service/fasapregistration or call 443-997-7000.