Category: In Brief

Homewood-Peabody-JHMI shuttle schedule is revised

November 9, 2009

The Homewood-Peabody-JHMI Shuttle schedule has been revised based on passenger feedback. Greg Smith, manager of transportation and parking, said that several times were altered to allow for better on-time performance. The new schedule is available online at

JHU bioethicists pose questions, offer perspective on iPSCs

November 9, 2009

The recent creation of live mice from induced pluripotent stem cells not only represents a remarkable scientific achievement but also raises important issues, according to bioethicists at Johns Hopkins’ Berman Institute of Bioethics.

Memorial service for student Miriam Frankl set for Tuesday

November 2, 2009

Friends and family will gather this week on the Homewood campus to celebrate the life of Miriam Frankl, a junior in the School of Arts and Sciences who died on Oct. 17 from injuries sustained in a hit-and-run accident the previous afternoon.

JHU School of Nursing partners with Teach for America

November 2, 2009

New options for those who want to work with urban populations in underserved regions are now available through a Johns Hopkins School of Nursing partnership with Teach for America.

‘36-Hour Day’ author to talk on Alzheimer developments

November 2, 2009

November is Alzheimer Awareness Month, and JHU Press’ next talk in its lunch and lecture series will feature Peter Rabins, a professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the School of Medicine and co-author of the Press’ best-selling book The 36-Hour Day: A Family Guide to Caring for People with Alzheimer Disease, Other Dementias and Memory Loss in Later Life, as he discusses the latest developments in Alzheimer research and in the care of people with the disease.

Democracy in Latin America forum includes six former heads

November 2, 2009

On Tuesday, Nov. 3, SAIS will co-host a forum on democracy in Latin America with the former presidents of six countries. The event will take place at the National Press Club in Washington.

Call for nominations for MLK Jr. Community Service Award

October 26, 2009

Outside of their normal workday, hundreds of faculty, staff and others at Johns Hopkins find the energy, compassion and time to advocate for and help others by lending a hand at a food bank, collecting clothing for needy families, repairing homes for the elderly and more.

Two films by multimedia artist Matthew Barney to be screened

October 26, 2009

The avant-garde films Cremaster 4 and Drawing Restraint 10 by multimedia artist Matthew Barney will be screened at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 29, in Homewood’s Shriver Hall Auditorium.

Latest student flu count: 303 H1N1 cases universitywide

October 26, 2009

As of Oct. 20, the most recent date on which statistics were released, 303 students universitywide had been diagnosed with probable cases of H1N1 flu.

The greatest number was at Homewood, where 242 cases had been identified. Peabody reported a total 22 cases to date.

Singer Kozena withdraws from Shriver Hall Concert Series

October 23, 2009

Shriver Hall Concert Series announced last week that mezzo-soprano Magdalena Kozena has withdrawn from her Feb. 21 series recital with pianist Yefim Bronfman, citing personal reasons. Kozena has also withdrawn from her associated recital tour dates, including one at Carnegie Hall. Bronfman, an audience favorite, will now play a solo recital on that date: Beethoven’s […]

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