Category: In Brief

Carey Business School to launch Global MBA at stock exchange

October 19, 2009

After many months of preparation, the Carey Business School will officially unveil its signature full-time program, the Johns Hopkins Global MBA, at a gala event to be held Oct. 21 at the New York Stock Exchange.

Nursing, Dickinson College form articulation agreement

October 19, 2009

The Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing has formed an articulation agreement with Dickinson College in Carlisle, Penn. In addition to obtaining a bachelor’s degree from Dickinson College, students will be able pursue baccalaureate- and graduate-level degrees in nursing at Johns Hopkins, thereby receiving two degrees from two institutions upon graduation.

H1N1 experts brief parents on what they need to know

October 12, 2009

Experts in emergency medicine, infectious diseases and pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center and the University of Maryland Hospital for Children last week hosted an update on H1N1 flu advice for parents in the wake of a sharp increase in cases since the last week of August.

Allergy-Otolaryngology Sinusitis Clinic opens on Bayview campus

October 12, 2009

The Johns Hopkins Asthma & Allergy Center on the Johns Hopkins Bayview campus has opened a new joint Allergy-Otolaryngology Sinusitis Clinic. Led by Jean Kim, assistant professor of otolaryngology, and Peter Creticos, associate professor of clinical immunology, the clinic provides comprehensive care to patients who have a history of sinus disease, and allergies or asthma.

Four from JHU inducted into American Academy of A&S

October 12, 2009

President Ronald J. Daniels; Andrew Feinberg, the King Fahd Professor of Molecular Medicine; Jane Guyer, professor of anthropology; and Barbara Landau, the Dick and Lydia Todd Professor and chair of the Cognitive Science Department, were among those inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences on Oct. 10 at Sanders Theatre in Cambridge, Mass.

SPH researcher honored as one of state’s Innovators of the Year

October 12, 2009

Jason Rasgon, an assistant professor in the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health’s W. Harry Feinstone Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology and the Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute, was named a 2009 Innovator of the Year by the Maryland Daily Record.

Wilmer Eye Institute building to be dedicated on Friday

October 12, 2009

The Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins will hold a dedication ceremony for the 207,000-square-foot, $105 million, ultramodern Robert H. and Clarice Smith Building at 4 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 16. The new Wilmer building includes six of the most modern ophthalmic operating rooms in the world, five floors dedicated to research and artwork donated by grateful artists who owe their sight to Morton Goldberg, former head of the Wilmer Eye Institute. The building is located on the corner of Broadway and Orleans Street.

Johns Hopkins scientists featured in White House stimulus video

October 5, 2009

Chi Dang, vice dean of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and researchers from the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center are featured in a just-released White House video on the impact of the federal stimulus package on NIH-funded biomedical research, and on job creation.

Charles Gati of SAIS receives high Hungarian state decoration

October 5, 2009

On Sept. 21, Hungarian Prime Minister Gordon Bajnai presented Charles Gati, senior adjunct professor of Russian and Eurasian studies at SAIS, with one of the highest state decorations of the Republic of Hungary. The surprise ceremony took place in New York after Bajnai lectured on Hungarian economic and political developments.

Postcard-gathering author Frank Warren speaks at Homewood

October 5, 2009

Frank Warren, who has been dubbed “the most trusted stranger in America” because of the secrets shared with him via postcards, will appear on the Homewood campus this week at an event sponsored by Barnes & Noble Johns Hopkins.

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