Issue: 2011 August 29
Universities band together to join Orphan Works Project
August 29, 2011
Leaders at Cornell, Duke, Emory and Johns Hopkins universities jointly announced last week that they would begin making the full text of thousands of “orphan works” in their library collections digitally accessible to students, faculty and researchers at their own institutions. Orphan works are out-of-print books that are still subject to copyright but whose copyright […]
Bug busters: JHU to host daylong symposium on infection imaging
August 29, 2011
Doctors can peer inside the human body to look for tumors, detect a blockage in an artery or see a crack in a bone, but common afflictions like bacterial and viral infections are far more difficult to track, and even the most sophisticated imaging devices can offer only a less than definitive answer. “Although CT […]
Challenge grant issued for Pitcairn Scholarship Fund
August 29, 2011
Stephen Pitcairn, the Johns Hopkins research technologist who was robbed and killed in July 2010 as he walked home from Penn Station, would have turned 25 on July 27, 2011, and in recognition of this milestone, a $10,000 challenge grant has been offered to the Stephen Pitcairn Memorial Scholarship Fund at the Johns Hopkins University […]
Freshmen’s used test prep books heading to city high schools
August 29, 2011
Along with their computers, clothes and toiletries, many of the freshmen arriving at Homewood last week brought along with them something they didn’t need: the SAT and AP test prep books they’d used as high schoolers. Thanks to a call put out by junior Alexandra Larsen, those books will soon be going to students at […]
‘The Gazette’ returns to weekly publishing schedule
August 29, 2011
With this issue, the first of the 2011–2012 academic year, The Gazette returns to its weekly publishing schedule. The next edition will appear on Tuesday, Sept. 6, because of the Monday holiday. Calendar and classified submissions are due at noon on Monday a week before the publication date.
Gateway Sciences grant applications wanted
August 29, 2011
The Provost’s Office wants your ideas for how to improve the gateway science courses. The purpose of the RFP process is to garner bold, creative, culture-changing ideas for transforming these courses based on sound precedents and accompanied by rigorous assessment plans. Projects may focus on existing courses, develop new courses or programs, enhance or advance […]
Air cleaners ease asthma in kids living with smokers
August 29, 2011
A Johns Hopkins Children’s Center study of Baltimore City children who have asthma and live with smokers shows that indoor air cleaners can greatly reduce household air pollution and lower the rates of daytime asthma symptoms to those achieved with certain anti-inflammatory asthma drugs. Although the air cleaners improved the overall air quality in homes, they […]
Coronary calcium better for predicting risk of heart attack, stroke
August 29, 2011
Results of a study published in the Aug. 19 issue of The Lancet have important implications for deciding whether cholesterol-lowering statin medication should be prescribed for people who have heart disease risk factors but normal levels of LDL, the so-called “bad” cholesterol. An estimated 6 million American adults fall into that gray-zone category. According to […]
School of Nursing announces two new ‘arrivals’
August 29, 2011
The Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing is adding a couple of branches to its virtual family tree this fall as it welcomes SimNewB and Sim Man 3G to its simulation manikin family. “The use of simulation in nursing education is increasing, and Johns Hopkins is at the forefront of utilizing it,” said Joyce Vazzano, […]
JHU to review chronic wound treatment, identify best practices
August 29, 2011
An estimated $25 billion is spent annually on treating chronic wounds on patients in the United States. These chronic wounds deeply affect the quality of life of more than 6 million people who have them. The most common types of chronic skin wounds and skin ulcers are related to venous disease (conditions related to or […]