Category: Previously Featured
MESSENGER spacecraft prepares for final pass by Mercury
September 28, 2009
On Tuesday, Sept. 29, the MESSENGER spacecraft will fly by Mercury for the third and final time, passing 141.7 miles above the planet’s rocky surface for a final gravity assist that will enable it to enter orbit about Mercury in 2011. With more than 90 percent of the planet’s surface already imaged, the team will turn its instruments during this flyby to specific features to uncover more information about the planet closest to the sun.
A haven for young minds
September 21, 2009
For 30 years, CTY has been the go-to place for gifted pre-college kids
HOP-SIP launches Social Entrepreneurship Speaker Series
September 21, 2009
The Hopkins Social Innovations Partnerships, a university wide program created in 2008 to champion social entrepreneurship, will this week launch the JHU Social Entrepreneurship Speaker Series.
JHU-led experts issue guide on lung cancer in ‘never-smokers’
September 21, 2009
A committee of scientists led by Johns Hopkins investigators has published a new guide to the biology, diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer in never-smokers.
It’s official: Ronald J. Daniels is installed as the 14th president of Johns Hopkins
September 14, 2009
This weekend, friends and colleagues old and new dubbed Ronald J. Daniels a man of passion, a man of wisdom, a man of ideas, a man of compassion, a man of ideals and a man of boundless energy who brings results. Then, once depleted of superlatives, they all wished him well as he begins the […]
Neurosurgeon Benjamin Carson opens 2009 MSE Symposium
September 14, 2009
Pediatric neurosurgeon Benjamin Carson will lead off the university’s annual Milton S. Eisenhower Symposium at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 15, in Homewood’s Shriver Hall Auditorium. Doors open at 7:30 p.m., and a reception in the Clipper Room follows the talk.
School of Public Health celebrates Edyth Schoenrich at 90
September 14, 2009
The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, along with family and friends, celebrated the 90th birthday of longtime faculty member Edyth Schoenrich in a special tribute held Sept. 9 in Sommer Hall. In a career that has spanned more than six decades, Schoenrich has been a major force in the advancement of professional involvement in preventive medicine and public health, both at the Bloomberg School and throughout the world.
First Night inducts freshmen into Homewood student body
September 7, 2009
In a show of unity, nearly 500 upperclassmen joined with the Class of 2013 for a candlelight ceremony on Homewood’s Wyman Quad
A peach of a place
September 7, 2009
Recently, hundreds of Johns Hopkins staff, faculty, students, patients and community members took time out on a pleasant late summer day to stroll through the new Farmers Market at Johns Hopkins. Few left empty-handed.
An end-of-summer ritual
September 7, 2009
The prospect of stormy weather could not deter attendees of the 2009 Johns Hopkins Picnic from coming out for a fun afternoon with great food, a DJ, dancing and kids’ games.