Issue: 2011 July 18

Charles Street construction website adds important updates

July 18, 2011

As announced in The Gazette in May, the Baltimore City Department of Transportation expects to begin in November a major reconstruction of Charles Street near the Homewood campus. The project is slated to last more than two years and will shut down portions of Charles Street throughout that time frame. To keep the Homewood campus […]

Octopodes a cappella group to compete on ‘America Sings’

July 18, 2011

The Octopodes, an undergraduate co-ed contemporary pop/rock a cappella group based at the Homewood campus, will be featured on GMC TV’s America Sings competition at 9 p.m. on Wednesday, July 27. By showing submitted videos, the program is featuring more than 100 singing groups from across North America. The groups are competing to win $10,000, […]

Researchers awarded $32 mill to study sugar molecules

July 18, 2011

The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute has awarded each of two groups at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine approximately $2.3 million a year for seven years to establish Programs of Excellence in Glycosciences. Gerald Hart, director of Biological Chemistry, and Ronald Schnaar, professor of pharmacology and molecular sciences, will lead these independent […]

A summer of savory jazz and barbecue

July 18, 2011

A crowd of hungry patrons savored Kansas City–inspired barbecue and jazz outside Levering Hall on July 8, just before the skies opened up with a short-lived, drenching rain. This summer’s Friday Jazz BBQ series at Homewood, which kicked off June 3, comes courtesy of Housing and Dining Services. Weather permitting, the grill will be fired up […]

Marc Kamionkowski, renowned physicist, joins JHU faculty

July 18, 2011

Marc Kamionkowski, considered one of the world’s leading theoretical physicists for his work in large-scale structures and the early history of the universe, has joined the faculty of the Henry A. Rowland Department of Physics and Astronomy in the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences at Johns Hopkins. Kamionkowski, formerly an endowed professor at California […]

Biologist Saul Roseman, 90, champion of serendipitous discovery

July 18, 2011

Saul Roseman, an emeritus professor who taught and conducted research for 46 years in the Department of Biology in the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, died July 2 of congestive heart failure. He was 90. Roseman came to Johns Hopkins in 1965 and was named the Ralph S. O’Connor Professor of Biology in 1975. […]

JHU Press launches digital services program for publishers

July 18, 2011

Hopkins Fulfillment Services, a division of the Johns Hopkins University Press, has announced plans to offer an array of new publishing-related services that will be known as HFS Digital. As a distributor of print books for university presses and nonprofit institutions, HFS is taking a necessary leap forward by expanding its service offerings to reflect […]

A century of medical illustration

July 18, 2011

Max Brodel was a child prodigy of several sorts. Born in 1870 in Leipzig, Germany, Brodel took to the piano just after he learned to walk. At age 12, he could play Beethoven both beautifully and effortlessly, suggesting a future in music. His true gifts, however, shone on paper and canvas. During the summers of […]

Milestones — July 18, 2011

July 18, 2011

ACADEMIC AND CULTURAL CENTERS 15 years of service Rosenberger, Wilma, Johns Hopkins University Press   10 years of service Catlos, Alicia, Johns Hopkins University Press Dowding, Samuel, Jhpiego   5 years of service Ferrier, Robin, Marketing, Public Relations and Legislative Affairs Fisher, Joshu, Center for Talented Youth Fisher, Sherry, Information Technology Kreger, Kimberly, Bioethics Institute   […]

Study: Nonbeating heart cells in scar tissue promote arrhythmia

July 18, 2011

Johns Hopkins University biomedical engineers and physicists have completed a study that suggests that mechanical forces exerted by cells that build scar tissue following a heart attack may later disrupt rhythms of beating heart cells and trigger deadly arrhythmias. Their findings, published in the May 17 issue of the journal Circulation, could result in a […]

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