Issue: 2012 May 21

Deep brain stimulation may hold promise for mild Alzheimer’s

May 21, 2012

A study on a handful of people with suspected mild Alzheimer’s disease suggests that a device that sends continuous electrical impulses to specific “memory” regions of the brain appears to increase neuronal activity. Results of the study using deep brain stimulation, a therapy already used in some patients with Parkinson’s disease or depression, may offer hope […]

Groundbreaking set for School of Engineering’s Malone Hall

May 21, 2012

Johns Hopkins University leaders, trustees, faculty, students and guests will gather on Wednesday, May 23, on the Homewood campus for the groundbreaking of Malone Hall, a 69,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art building on the Alonzo G. and Virginia G. Decker Quadrangle that will house at least three collaborative research institutes. The building is made possible through a $30 […]

Improved adult-derived stem cells have fewer genetic changes

May 21, 2012

A team of researchers from The Johns Hopkins University and the National Human Genome Research Institute has evaluated the whole genomic sequence of stem cells derived from human bone marrow cells—so-called induced pluripotent stem cells—and found that relatively few genetic changes occur during stem cell conversion by an improved method. The findings, reported in the March […]

For the Record: Milestones

May 21, 2012

The following staff members are retiring or celebrating an anniversary with the university in May 2012. The information is compiled by the Office of Work, Life and Engagement, 443-997-7000. ACADEMIC AND CULTURAL CENTERS 20 years of service Fogarty, Linda, Jhpiego 15 years of service Benamor, Linda, Jhpiego 10 years of service Wingenroth, Brian, Johns Hopkins […]

Study: Nanodevices open door to treatment of cerebral palsy

May 21, 2012

A team of scientists from Johns Hopkins and elsewhere have developed nanodevices that successfully cross the blood-brain barrier and deliver a drug that tames brain-damaging inflammation in rabbits with cerebral palsy. A report on the experiments, conducted at Wayne State University in collaboration with the Perinatology Research Branch of the National Institute of Child Health and […]

For the Record: Cheers

May 21, 2012

BAYVIEW MEDICAL CENTER Alicia Arbaje, an assistant professor of medicine and associate director of Transitional Care Research, has received a two-year grant from the National Patient Safety Foundation to pursue her proposed research on the “Identification and Validation of Risks to Patient Safety During Care Transitions of Older Adults Receiving Skilled Home Health Care Services […]

Making learning come alive

May 21, 2012

Students inherently want to learn and succeed. Great teachers help them achieve these aims. They use passion, humor, dedication and even the occasional puppy or other prop to aid students on their path of discovery. Good teachers also know how to adapt and, in these attention span–challenged days, keep topics interesting and engaging. One Johns […]

Blood transfusions still overused, may do more harm than good

May 21, 2012

Citing the lack of clear guidelines for ordering blood transfusions during surgery, Johns Hopkins researchers say that a new study confirms that there is still wide variation in the use of transfusions and frequent use of transfused blood in patients who don’t need it. The overuse of blood is problematic, the researchers say, because blood […]


May 21, 2012

BLOOD DRIVES Thurs., May 24, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. JHU/American Red Cross blood drive. For more information, call 410-614-0913 or email Mount Washington campus. COLLOQUIA Wed., May 23, 3:30 p.m. “The Galaxy-Halo Connection Across Mass and Time,” an STScI colloquium with Risa Wechsler, Stanford University. Bahcall Auditorium, Muller Bldg.  HW EXHIBITIONS Tues., May […]

Hermansky installed as Smith Professor in Electrical Engineering

May 21, 2012

Hynek Hermansky, director of The Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Language and Speech Processing, was installed on April 19 as the Whiting School of Engineering’s Julian S. Smith Endowed Professor in Electrical Engineering. Hermansky, an expert in bio-inspired speech processing, is a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and the International Speech […]

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