Category: Previously Featured

Whiteout: JHU vs. the snow of 2010 … Epic blizzard shut down university–but not all its staff

February 22, 2010

Mark Selivan, grounds manager for the Homewood campus, clearly recalls his Snowmageddon “cry uncle” moment. It came late on Feb. 10, the day a second storm unkindly dumped another 20 inches of snow on an area still reeling from 30-plus inches left from the previous weekend. Selivan stood on the horseshoe steps leading down to […]

Michela Gallagher named interim dean of Arts and Sciences

February 22, 2010

Michela Gallagher, Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of Brain and Psychological Sciences and vice provost for academic affairs, has been named interim dean of the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences. She will assume the position on April 1, when Adam Falk, the current James B. Knapp Dean of the school, leaves Johns Hopkins to assume the presidency of Williams College.

Dean Jessica P. Einhorn of SAIS

February 22, 2010

Jessica P. Einhorn made history the moment she assumed leadership of the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies in 2002. Einhorn, who earned a master’s degree in international affairs from SAIS in 1970, became the first graduate to return as dean. Upon her appointment, Einhorn said she viewed the role as that of […]

Connecting with Baltimore nonprofits

February 8, 2010

Heather Thompson opened her talk on the food pyramid with a healthy heaping of knowledge on grains. The part-time MPH student at the School of Public Health then veered off into the meat and beans territory, with stops at all the other groups, from vegetables to the “know your limits” fats and sugars. Thompson’s audience […]

C. Lockard Conley, 94, pioneering hematologist

February 8, 2010

C. Lockard Conley, a pioneering Johns Hopkins hematologist and acclaimed teacher who conducted landmark inquiries into blood coagulation, blood platelets, hemorrhagic diseases, hemoglobins and sickle cell anemia while simultaneously inspiring generations of students and young researchers, died of Parkinson’s disease on Jan. 30 at his home in Catonsville, Md. He was 94. Conley, who also […]

Crutches for Haiti

February 8, 2010

BY THE TIME pediatric residents had finished their weeklong drive to collect crutches for earthquake victims in Haiti, more than 3,000 pairs were crammed into their holding spots in the David M. Rubenstein Child Health Building at the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center and a volunteer’s garage. The organizers—who had hoped to pull in a few […]

LEEDing the way to a greener JHU

February 1, 2010

In Johns Hopkins’ quest to go green and significantly reduce its environmental footprint, the university has passed a major milestone. The School of Medicine recently received a LEED commercial interior silver certification for its renovated Department of Facilities Management offices and Clinical Information Systems Education Center—both located on the basement floor of the 2024 E. […]

Johns Hopkins disaster team’s first group deploys to Haiti

February 1, 2010

The Johns Hopkins Office of Critical Event Preparedness and Response has deployed its first group of Johns Hopkins physicians, nurses and other experts to Haiti to help that nation’s injured and suffering. A second group will leave on Thursday. The medical experts serve on the Johns Hopkins Go Team, which has approximately 185 members who […]

‘On the Road’ takes a look at early Maryland transportation

January 25, 2010

Johns Hopkins’ Homewood Museum will open its fourth annual student-curated focus show, On the Road: Travel and Transportation in Early Maryland, with a reception from 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 28 (snow date: Feb. 4). On view through Wednesday, March 31, the exhibition explores how Marylanders traveled from 1775 through to the laying […]

Got wheels?

January 25, 2010

When Johns Hopkins announced in 2007 that it was bringing a car-sharing program to Baltimore, Brenda Armour was ready. “I think I was the third or fourth to sign up,” says Armour, who lives in Charles Village and is assistant to the dean of student life on the Homewood campus. A former resident of New […]

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