Category: Previously Featured
To Haiti and back
January 22, 2010
More than a week after a devastating 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti, the tiny Caribbean nation remains caught in a major medical crisis that only promises to worsen unless international aid groups and health professionals can meet the growing need for supplies and medical assistance for the countless injured and suffering there.
Dean Michael Klag of The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
January 19, 2010
Michael J. Klag, a physician and internationally known expert on the epidemiology and prevention of heart and kidney disease, took the helm of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in 2005.
Setting a course for adventure
January 19, 2010
Last May, P. Kyle McCarter led a 16-day tour across Turkey. The 15-person group started in Istanbul and then traveled the country’s Aegean and Mediterranean coasts. They hiked, bused and spent about half the trip cruising on gulet yachts.
A step closer to treating memory loss in age-related diseases
January 19, 2010
Michela Gallagher has spent more than two decades trying to solve the mysteries of the aging brain. What happens to our gray matter as we get older? How—and why—do those changes occur? And, perhaps most importantly, what strategies and approaches might help treat—or, eventually, even prevent—memory loss in age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s and other dementias?
United Way campaign tops its goal
January 11, 2010
Despite a still-recovering economy and a general downturn in corporate giving, employees and students of the university and Johns Hopkins Medicine pledged more than $2.1 million to the 2009 United Way of Central Maryland campaign, topping the overall goal by nearly $100,000.
Celebrating Carol Greider
January 11, 2010
Nearly 800 faculty, students and staff poured into Turner Concourse on Jan. 6 for a reception to honor Carol Greider, who recently returned from Stockholm, where she accepted the 2009 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine.
Actor Lou Gossett Jr. to headline MLK Jr. Commemoration
January 11, 2010
Lou Gossett Jr., an award-winning television and big screen actor perhaps best known for his portrayal of a U.S. Marine Corps drill sergeant, will be the featured guest and keynote speaker for Johns Hopkins’ 28th annual Martin Luther King Jr. birthday remembrance, an event that takes place this week.
Unlocking the key to premature aging in children
January 4, 2010
Susan Michaelis conducts her research in a traditional laboratory, with beakers and flasks and microscopes strong enough to allow her to view and manipulate the infinitesimally small nuclei of cells.
An enduring tradition
January 4, 2010
Since Dec. 24, 1973, the 100th anniversary of the death of Johns Hopkins, members of the university and hospital communities that bear his name have gathered at his simple grave site in Green Mount Cemetery to remember the generosity of their benefactor. Joined at the brief, informal ceremony by appreciative members of the public, the assembled hear a few words from a Hopkins family member, historian or other expert; sometimes offer observations of their own; and traditionally leave pennies on his tombstone while saying thanks and making a wish.
A town hall on No Child Left Behind
December 14, 2009
The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, one of the seminal measures of the Bush administration, ballyhooed a lofty goal of having 100 percent of U.S. students achieving at grade level by the year 2014.