Category: Previously Featured

APL part of team expanding space weather radar network

July 20, 2009

Space weather researchers at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory are helping expand a global radar network used to study electrical disturbances in our atmosphere that can create auroral displays or disrupt communications, knock out electrical power grids, damage satellites or even affect astronaut

Ethicists: Include pregnant women in kids’ study

July 20, 2009

A team of ethicists from Johns Hopkins, Duke and Georgetown universities is urging organizers of a recently begun $3 billion decades-long study of children’s health to immediately add provisions to look at the health and medical profiles of the children’s mothers during their pregnancies.

Johns Hopkins faculty remember “One giant leap for mankind”

July 16, 2009

In honor of the 40th anniversary of the first moon landing, we asked Johns Hopkins faculty members to reflect on their memories of Armstrong’s “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”

Saluting gifted hands and minds

July 6, 2009

The university’s Black Faculty and Staff Association recently paid tribute to two of Johns Hopkins’ own legendary figures at its fifth annual celebration of Juneteenth, the unofficial holiday commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States.

Federal student loan forgiveness program launched at JHU

July 6, 2009

U.S. Rep. John Sarbanes visited the Johns Hopkins Homewood campus last week to launch a new federal student loan forgiveness program for people who accept jobs in public service and the nonprofit sector.

Bologna Center professor elected mayor

July 6, 2009

Flavio Delbono, who has taught at the SAIS Bologna Center for more than 20 years, was elected mayor of Bologna on June 22. Delbono, representing the center-left coalition, won in a run-off election against his opponent by more than 60 percent of the vote.

Malaysia selects CTY program for national model

June 22, 2009

The selection of CTY followed an international search conducted under the auspices of the Malaysian government and championed by Datin Sri Rosmah, wife of the prime minister.

Wilmer caps construction with ribbon-cutting ceremony

June 22, 2009

The Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins celebrated the end of construction of its new building at The Johns Hopkins Hospital with a ceremony and ribbon cutting on June 10.

Sociology’s golden year

June 22, 2009

This year, “the department that Jim Coleman built” turns 50. While much has changed, including its name, Coleman’s vision of an interdisciplinary department that emphasizes rigorous methods training and hands-on research has remained.

Poe’s ‘Tell-Tale Tour’ stops at Homewood

June 22, 2009

Edgar Allan Poe wrote his first horror stories in Baltimore in the early 1830s. What was Baltimore like back then? Find out by taking “The Edgar Allan Poe Tell-Tale Tour” of Baltimore.

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